Read in 2018

  1. 10x rule, Grant Cordone

  2. 5-second rule, Mel Robbins

  3. Act Like a success, Steve Harvey

  4. Among Heroes, John Mann and others

  5. Boundaries for Leaders, Henry Cloud

  6. Crushing it, Gary V.

  7. Extreme Ownership, Jocko Willink and others

  8. Giftology, John Ruhlin

  9. Girl wash your face, Rachel Hollis

  10. H3 Ladership, Brad Lomenick

  11. High Performance Habits, Brendon Burchard

  12. How to lead when you're not in charge, Clay Scroggins,

  13. I don't want to talk about it, Terrence Real

  14. Lean in, Sheryl Sandberg

  15. Mindset, Carol Dweck

  16. Never Split the difference, Chris Voss,

  17. Peak Performance, Brad Stulberg and others

  18. Relentless, Tim Grover

  19. School of Greatness, Lewis Howes

  20. Start with Why, Simon Sinek

  21. The art of learning, Josh Waitzkin

  22. The art of not giving a F***, Mark Manson

  23. The Happiness advantage, Shawn Achor

  24. The lost art of listening, Michael Nichols

  25. The Mask of Masculinity, Lewis Howes

  26. The Power of Broke, Daymond John and others

  27. The power of moments, Chip Heath and others

  28. The Pursuit of Endurance, Jennifer Pharr Davis

  29. Who says elephants can't dance, Louis Gerstner

  30. Wooden, John Wooden and others