Book List

Read in 2020

  1. Act Like a Success, Think like a Success, Steve Harvey

  2. Atomic Habits, James Clear

  3. Becoming Bulletproof, Evy Poumpouras

  4. Call Sign Chaos, Jim Mattis & Bing West

  5. Dare to Lead, Brene Brown

  6. Deep Work, Cal Newport

  7. Difficult Conversations, Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen

  8. Endure, Alex Hutchinson and Malcolm Gladwell

  9. Finding Ultra, Rich Roll

  10. Forgetting to be Afraid: A Memoir, Wendy Davis

  11. Get Over Your Damn Self, Romi Neustadt

  12. God is not Great, How Religion Poisons Everything, Christopher Hitchens

  13. Granite Mountain, Brendan McDonough, Stephan Talty (previously published as My Lost Brothers)

  14. High Performance Habits Brendon Burchard

  15. Leadership Strategy and Tactics; Field Manual 02, Jocko Willink

  16. Left For Dead, Beck Weathers

  17. Made to Stick, Chip and Dan Heath

  18. Seal of Honor, Gary Williams

  19. Shoe Dog, Phil Knight

  20. Spark: How to Lead Yourself and others to Greater Success, Angie Moran and others

  21. Talking to Strangers, Malcom Gladwell

  22. The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy

  23. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni

  24. The Lost Art of Listening, Michael Nichols

  25. The Miracle Morning, Hal Erod

  26. The Poverty Industry, Daniel L. Hatcher

  27. The Right - and Wrong - Stuff, Carter Cast

  28. The Rise of the Ultra Runners, Adharanand Finn

  29. The Science of Selling, David Hoffeld

  30. Training For Ultra, Rob Steger

  31. Up From Slavery, Booker T. Washington

Other Articles/Research articles I’ve read:

  1. Time Management: A Realistic Approach

  2. Motivations and Limitations Associated with Vaping among People with Mental Illness: A Qualitative Analysis of Reddit Discussions

  3. Lessons from Everest: The Interaction of Cognitive Bias, Psychological Safety, and System Complexity, Michael A. Roberto.

    1. Cannot link this. This was recommended by a Race Director. I learned many things on how bias work and the application to racing is greatly impacted if anyone that is in charge has any arrogance or doesn’t allow others to have a different opinion than the leader. The people that have researched the tragic events that took place on Mount Everest in 1996 can see Status, Leader support, and overconfidence of a leader impacts a team’s mental safety net. In these situations it is very important to have trust within one another that even if a different view point is made, the leader is open to hearing it. One of the leaders on the mountain that day made remarks that negated all trust and humbleness. This has fatal results in the end.

  4. Army Crew Team, Scott Snook & Jeffrey Polzer, Harvard Business School Article

  5. The Satera Team at Imatron Systems, Inc, Teresa Amabile & Elizabeth Schatzel, Harvard Business School Article

Listened to the following podcasts:

  1. American Elections: The Wicked Game (100% complete)

  2. Dr. Death (100% complete)

  3. Do No Harm (100% complete)

  4. Geek Culture (16 episodes)

  5. Work Life with Adam Grant (5 episodes)

  6. What’s New WSJ (29 episodes)

  7. NPR News Now (almost every day)

  8. American History Tellers (1 episode)