My Bucket List

These races are special as these races are on a list that I consider a high priority. For this reason, I will be going after these races first before what I consider extra races. These races already have a special place in my heart for some reason and because of that, I want to do them.

  1. Comrades marathon

  2. Big Sur international marathon

  3. Little Rock marathon

  4. A marathon with my brother

  5. Chicago marathon

  6. Berlin marathon

  7. Tokyo marathon

  8. London marathon

  9. LA Marathon

  10. Boston marathon

  11. Paris Marathon

  12. Country music marathon

  13. Honolulu marathon

  14. MCM 50K not in the rain

  15. Paris marathon

  16. A marathon that means something

  17. A race that goes perfect.

  18. A race that hurts more than I want it to

  19. A marathon with AnnMarie

  20. A PR Half marathon

  21. Rock n roll philly 13.1

  22. Two Oceans Marathon

  23. Ultraman Florida, only if VT can be on my crew

  24. Black canyon 100K

  25. Paris Brest Paris 750mile bike ride

  26. Mount Rushmore half marathon

  27. A mile on the Nike track in Beaverton, WA

  28. Jack and Jill Marathon, Washington State

  29. Run 100 marathons before Iā€™m 50 years old