Houston Marathon 2019

228 – Houston Marathon – Bonnie Caulfield

I only got to do one race recap for the Houston Marathon this year.  This was with my dear friend Bonnie from Dallas.  We talk about all the fun stuff related to the race, training, and how she was able to successfully negative split the race.  She mentioned how she got from Dallas to Houston for only $1. She didn’t taper for this race and still had an amazing day in Houston.  Thanks Bonnie for coming on the show and spending some time with me.  Good luck at Texas and Boulder!


Enjoy the show. To see pictures from their race, go to https://www.coachterrywilson.com/perfect


Weather that day:  42*


Height:   5’6”

Weight: 122

Calories per hour: Unknown O_O

Total Race Time:  3:58:21

Follow Bonnie

Facebook:   Bonnie Caulfield

Instagram: @bonnieandthejets


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Facebook: www.facebook.com/CoachTerryWilson

Website:  www.CoachTerryWilson.com